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Business Catalog Printing: A Comprehensive Guide

For generations, printed catalogs have been an effective, proven, and valuable way for businesses and retailers to show their products to potential customers. It is a terrific way for companies to point out the best features and benefits of their products and services while including important details like warranty info, sizes, options, and other data. If your organization is considering a business catalog, here is a comprehensive guide to assist you.

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Tips for Increasing Direct Mail Open Rates

The landscape of marketing has changed dramatically since the turn of the century. While much of today’s focus is on digital marketing, print marketing can still play a key role in the success of your business’ marketing campaign. Combining print and digital marketing is one way to ensure that your business’ message is seen by the most desired audience. So how can you make sure that your direct mail marketing efforts are working? In this post, we’ll share tips to get your direct mail messages opened and how we can help.

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Strategies for a Successful Direct Mail Campaign in 2021

The boom of technology in the 21st century has changed the landscape of marketing. With so much focus on digital advertising, it can be easy to forget about the power of direct mail marketing and how a direct mail campaign can have a major impact on the success of your business. Here we’ll outline what direct mail marketing is, how it works, and how you can maximize your next campaign to get the results you’re looking for.

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Advantages of the USPS Mail Anywhere Program

The United States Post Service (USPS) Mail Anywhere program allows mailers to enter their mail at any Business Mail Acceptance Unit in the United States with a single permit, regardless of where the permit issuing post office is located.

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6 Advantages of Outsourcing Fulfillment Solutions for your Marketing

It is easy to think that performing an activity in-house is less expensive and more efficient than outsourcing the work. However, this is typically not the case with fulfillment of literature and other printed materials. When you consider the management, staff time requirements, and space allocation it becomes apparent that in-house fulfillment is less convenient and cost-effective than you may have originally thought. 

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Variable Data Printing: How Can It Enhance My Bottom Line?

With so much focus on digital marketing, the power of direct mail is sometimes overlooked. That’s unfortunate because variable data printing is extremely effective in reaching targeted audiences and driving response rates while reinforcing online efforts. Read to discover the ins and outs of variable data printing and how it can help you create a personalized one-to-one marketing strategy. 

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Trends in the Printing Industry

As with most industries, the printing industry is constantly advancing with new technology, printing techniques and added services. Certifications and standards are regularly being updated to improve quality. Progressive printers are diversifying and are no longer focused only on ink on paper. Premier Print Group offers all of the following to keep your business running smoothly and looking good.  

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Offset vs. Digital Printing

When creating that perfect printed piece, weeks or months of research, writing, revision, and design may pass before final files are ready to send to a printer. With as much effort that has been put into this project, you’re going to be searching for a commercial printer that can make your dream become a reality. There are two main printing methods today: offset and digital printing. We are here to define both forms of printing below and provide more context about how they are best utilized.

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