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Touch, Feel, Engage: The Science of High-Impact Print Materials

In today's digitized world, the power of print materials often gets overlooked. However, the tangible nature of print materials can create a unique and lasting impression that digital mediums simply cannot replicate. Publications, direct mailers, and other print materials can engage our senses and leave a memorable impact on our minds.

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Avantages of Outsourcing Fulfillment of Your Marketing Collateral

It is not uncommon for management to assume that performing an activity in-house is less expensive and more efficient than outsourcing the work. However, this may not be the case with fulfillment of literature and other marketing materials. When you consider the staff time and space allocation required, it soon becomes apparent that in-house management and fulfillment are less convenient and cost-effective than may have been thought.

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A Print Buyers Introduction to FSC® Certification

Sustainable forest management practices are vital to promoting healthy and abundant forests for present and future generations. Forests regulate our climate, produce oxygen while sequestering carbon, clean the air we breathe, and filter the water we drink. They provide habitat for more than two-thirds of terrestrial wildlife and plants. They are one of our most valuable resources, offering a renewable supply of the materials and goods we need for a more sustainable future.

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The 2021 Paper Shortage - Everything You Need to Know to Plan Accordingly

"Of all the things in life that we hold dear, I never would have thought paper could make that list. Unfortunately, paper has recently become a precious commodity. Read on for information important to all print consumers."

- Dan Paulson, President and CEO of Premier Print Group

To say that the still-ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on global supply chains is, at this point, likely something of an understatement.

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The Value of A Print Partner for Training and Education

At Premier Print Group, we are proud to partner with a wide range of training and continuing education programs in order to provide them with the custom printed materials they need to make their programs stand out. Custom printed materials can play a number of important roles within the field of training and education. From brochures and handouts to guide students' learning experience to branded t-shirts, pens, and other swag designed to serve as both a reward for students as well as a marketing opportunity, there are plenty of ways for training/education programs to leverage custom printed materials.

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Recruiting and Retainment in the Print Industry

The print industry is changing to make better use of technology. This opens up new career opportunities for people who want to be part of an industry that has stood the test of time and is still going strong. Now is the perfect time for print service providers (PSPs) to review their recruitment practices and consider new strategies for the retainment of talent.

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Everything You Need to Know About Every Door Direct Mailing

Tactics such as Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM), are economical and highly targeted with many businesses finding success with these types of printed marketing campaigns. Businesses find this kind of marketing especially helpful when they have a geographical area they would like to target, but do not have the physical addresses they need. The EDDM provided by the United States Postal Service has made a solution perfect for companies in this exact scenario.

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A Guide to Saddle Stitched Booklets

Saddle stitching is the most common and cost-effective method for binding booklets. Though a saddle stitched booklet is an economical choice, it can easily possess a "WOW" factor through attractive design, vibrant color, and good paper choices. Adding coatings to the cover can also add a special touch. Saddle stitching is an excellent choice for binding magazines, catalogs, brochures, price lists, programs, wall calendars, newsletters, direct mailers, and more.

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What Is UV Offset Printing?

In recent years, printing methods have advanced considerably. One notable development is UV printing, which relies on ultraviolet light for curing ink. Today, UV printing is more accessible as more progressive printing companies are incorporating UV technology. UV printing offers a variety of benefits, from an increased variety of substrates to decreased production times.

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Trade Shows Coming Back in 2021

The trade show industry is a large marketing tool like no other. Yet, after the pandemic shuttered many events in 2020, those in the industry expect 2021 to be an impressive year, making trade show printing services even more important than ever.

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Business Catalog Printing: A Comprehensive Guide

For generations, printed catalogs have been an effective, proven, and valuable way for businesses and retailers to show their products to potential customers. It is a terrific way for companies to point out the best features and benefits of their products and services while including important details like warranty info, sizes, options, and other data. If your organization is considering a business catalog, here is a comprehensive guide to assist you.

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Tips for Increasing Direct Mail Open Rates

The landscape of marketing has changed dramatically since the turn of the century. While much of today’s focus is on digital marketing, print marketing can still play a key role in the success of your business’ marketing campaign. Combining print and digital marketing is one way to ensure that your business’ message is seen by the most desired audience. So how can you make sure that your direct mail marketing efforts are working? In this post, we’ll share tips to get your direct mail messages opened and how we can help.

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